When was the last time you really thought about how you are doing when someone asks “how are you doing?” Did you answer honestly? Did you give them the “fine” response? Did you even pause before answering?
There is a common joke amongst therapists that ‘FINE’ means ‘Freaked out, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional.’ And that is pretty accurate for many therapists working in this post pandemic world of clinical services. And why wouldn't we be ‘FINE?’ There is a crisis in our field. Therapists are burning out at a rate never before seen. Therapists are burning out at a historic rate between 35-55%. I anticipate the actual rate is higher than the reported statistic above. Additionally, therapists are leaving the field in droves. The field that we dreamed to be in. The field we fought and struggled to be in.
Why is that? If you are a therapist your list of reasons could be lengthy. And what are we doing to address it? Insert rote answer: “Self Care.” Gag. I tell my grad students all the time tacos, mani and pedi and a bubble bath is not going to make a long day listening to trauma better. We need real action and change. We need a place of understanding for the fears, frustrations, exhaustion that we feel in our daily work. We need to be seen by those that understand. We need to hear about celebrations and wins with other clients. Bottomline: we need to feel less alone. TheraPride is offering such a place. A place where all therapists (counselors and social workers) can join a place of understanding, celebration and focus on caring for oneself.
We invite you to ‘Take a Seat’ Consultation. Plop into the chair and take off your therapist hat. Each month we will spend 90 mins (virtually) with one another talking about cases, yes, but making a space for us to give support to one another. We will have time to slow and reflect on caring for ourselves. I know I don’t carve out enough time for this unless I am encouraged to do so. Think of this as a gift to yourself. If you work as a contractor it might be a tax write off. We can’t give you the gift of time but what if you could be more productive when you are working? Would you carve out time to achieve that? Lack of concentration is a warning sign of compassion fatigue and burn out.
This group has provided kind accountability to its members since summer 2024. We want to expand and include more therapists into this special space. So are you ready to ‘Take a Seat’ with us?
If you are a student joining the field we have a group for you too. Burn out education, understanding and prevention can help with career sustainability. Click here.